Angel Wings

Where rest &
healing meet

Angel Wings Healing & Retreat Center

“ What happens in our soul, happens in our cells. True flourishing comes when we care for our health, guard our mind and feed our spirit on the things of God. ”

The Need

There is limited space available, in residential treatment centers throughout the United States, for survivors of trauma and sexual exploitation to receive the rehabilitation services they desperately need. For those who are fortunate to obtain treatment, the road to recovery and healing is still a long one.

Even after treatment, survivors continue to be vulnerable partly due to a lack of identity, purpose and self-worth. Many struggle to envision a new life that is better than the one they left behind. And sadly, after they leave treatment many do not have a strong support system who will encourage them when they face challenges. Without access to a continuum of care after treatment, they are more likely to seek comfort in what is familiar and return to their former toxic lifestyle.

The Solution

We currently partner with residential programs and treatment centers in Wisconsin, Illinois, Kentucky, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Texas to support these women in recovery as they reintegrate back into community. We offer for them to participate in a 3-month online transition program that launches with a 4-day exclusive in person Survivor Healing Retreat. 

We strive to create experiences that promote healing, rest and wholeness. Our nonprofit, Angel Wings Healing Foundation, provides scholarships so survivors have this opportunity to experience a deeper spiritual healing that empowers them with a positive mindset to overcome challenges, and the courage to start a new life.

Thank You!

We would like to thank the following organizations who have assisted us along our journey.